"Dear Editor
Dear Virginia:
As I read more of your publications I just know that I am the type of person they are intended for. I see my own pattern of development re- flected in the "True Experiences" and my own fantasies in the fiction. I have been dressing for many years and long ago made peace with my- self. In self-analyzing my feelings, I have independently reached many of the same conclusions espoused in your editorial — in particular it is femininity I am striving for. I have tasted the forbidden fruit, found it delicious and I want more.
While I have known of the existence of Chevalier Publications for a number of years I did not realize that your literature matched my inter- ests so well until I found some in a bookstore while visiting Cleveland over a year ago, and picked up your fabulous "How To Be A Woman Though Male" book and one issue of TVia. From then on, the only thing that made me hesitate in subscriging was the matter of security. Until now, I have told no one, not even my wife. Well, your policy statements have gained my confidence, and I hope that getting a PO Box has solved the difficulty of receiving strange mail at home.
My main problem is that I find my urge to dress increasing and the op- portunities decreasing. The resulting frustration is driving me up the wall. And, you might say, now that the "girl within" sees a chance to show her pretty face to other FP girls with reasonable safety, she won't give me any peace until she gets out. Yes, I do want to join FPE. Please send an application form. Thank you I appreciate your efforts to bring us together.
Sincerely, Winnie, N. Y.